Maine Maritime Museum


Name Rig/class Official Number Year Built
John Ship
John Ship
John A. Briggs Ship
John Bracewell Three-mast schooner
John C. Calhoun Ship
John Cadwallader Schooner
John Eills Bark 54384 1866
John F. Merrow Three-mast schooner 76366 1882
John McLaggan Three-mast schooner 92406
John Q. Adams Schooner 12877 1851
John S. Case Three-mast schooner 76039
John S. Moulton Schooner
John T. Ives Bark 74341 1876
Jonathan Weir Half Brig 77801 1878
Joseph S. Spinney Ship 1874
Joseph Souther Three-mast schooner 75620 1874
Josephina Three-mast schooner 1859
Josephine B. Knowles Schooner
Josiah Mitchell Steamer 180670 1926
Julia E. Haskell Half Brig 75240 1868
Jumbo Half Brig 85965 1882
Junak Bark 78739 1869
Juno Ship 1807
Jura Half Brig 69181 1873
Kaiser Wilhelm II Steamer
Kate F. Troop Bark 80071 1881
Kate Fawcett Br. Screw Steamer 73637 1876
Kate M. Hilton Three-mast schooner 14278 1873
Kathleen Brig 85486 1883
Katie Stuart Bark 71475 1875
Kayemarie Motor Vessel
Kestrel Bark 66481 1871
Kinburn Ship 17013 1875
Kioka Schooner 14247 1871
Kolon Schooner
Kovno Br. Screw Steamer 82529 1882
Kreon Bark 1878
L. B. Cowperthwaite Schooner
L. Holway Schooner
L. P. Churchill Schooner 61578 1874
La Maria Bark 1874
Laleah Brig
Lancefield Bark 77807 1881
Lanie Cobb Three-mast schooner
Larissa Bark 2143 1855
Laura Brig 72619 1876
Laura Barkentine 69450 1876
Lauretta Half Brig 73932 1873
Lepanto Screw Steamer 77512 1877
Lepreaux Bark 72254 1876
Letitia Half Brig 1873
Lewis M. Lamb Bark 62398 1871
Libbie H. Half Brig 73101 1875
Lightning Ship 66871 1872
Lili Half Brig 1868
Lillian Schooner 77737 1883
Lillian B. Jones Bark 83056 1853
Lily Half Brig 61488 1871
Lima Br. Bark 66655 1872
Linnet Br. Barkentine 90462 1884
Lion Schooner 88608 1884
Lively Sloop
Livingstone Bark 61828 1871
Lizzie Schooner 54106 1865
Lizzie Schooner
Lizzie Brewster Schooner
Lizzie Cochran Schooner
Lizzie D. Peabody Schooner
Lizzie Young Three-mast schooner 15942 1873
Llewellyn Bark 70498 1875
Loochoo Br. Bark 56841 1867
Lord Derby Screw Steamer 76221 1877
Lord Palmerston Bark 16245 1856
Lorenzo Ship 75867 1877
Lothair Bark 38690 1870
Lottie Barkentine 74077 1876
Lottie E. Half Brig 80634 1882
Lotus Bark 66514 1873
Louis Montgomery Half Brig 80926 1880
Louise McLoon Motor Vessel
Lucile Barkentine 66855 1872
Lucinda Sears Bark
Lucretia Steamer
Lucy Bell Schooner
Lucy M. Collins Schooner
Lucy Pope Bark 73997 1875
Lufra Bark
Lutetia Br. Screw Steamer 76217 1877
Lydia Brig 1826
Lydia Br. Barkentine 64556 1868
Lykus Br. Screw Steamer 68915 1874
M. B. Dailey Half Brig 83317 1885
M. P. Harrington Half Brig 66740 1874
Maggie Elliot Bark 64904 1872
Maggie Taylor Brig 77808 1881
Magret Schooner
Maiden City Bark 79973 1878
Majestic Ship 1829
Malaga Half Brig 64535 1871
Marcus Edwards Three-mast schooner

The information given in this database is entered here as it is on the document or documents in the Maine Maritime Museum collections. The spelling of the mariner’s name may be wrong, the arithmetic may be wrong, and some descriptions may be thoughtless or not politically correct, but they are shown as found. We have attempted to standardize the names and descriptions of vessels and the spelling of place names. We have tried to include in notes fields important information that does not fit in the standard fields.