Maine Maritime Museum


Rig/class: Ship
Year Built: 1878
Official Number:




NameYear of BirthBirthplaceResidenceCitizenship
Aberg, Johan
Abrahamson, A.
Abramson, Anton
Ah Shing, John 1863China
Alberts, G.
Aleade, Peter
Alexi, Gofe
Anderson, A. 1853Sweden
Anderson, A. P.
Anderson, Axel
Anderson, Karl
Anderson, Martin
Anderson, N.
Anderson, S.
Anderson, William
August, Frank
August, Frank
Augustesen, Niels 1868Denmark
Bairns, James
Barrett, E. S.
Barry, M.
Beggar, Henry
Bernart, Carl
Berry, C. W.
Berryman, Alex
Biggiens, Charles
Bishop, John
Black , John
Bodist, John
Boettcher, Charles
Bracket, C.
Brandt, Harry
Brooks, C. W.
Brown, Henry 1847USA
Brown, J.
Bruin, O.
Brunstad, Jno
Brunstall, John
Burns , John
Burns, John
Bush, W.
C., DeJonge
Caballos, Francisco
Cabanus, Louis
Cain, Thomas 1845
Caiser, Julius
Carlo, G.
Carlsson, John
Cartens, B.
Cennels, Thomas J.
Centaro, N.
Chard, Michael 1870Ireland
Chong, Ah
Christensen, F.
Christensen, G.
Christiansen, Sauntz
Christianton, George
Clark, Patrick
Clifford, Fred
Clingren, Henry 1847Norway
Cody, Jno
Collins, Benjamin
Conyers, Charles
Cora, Ris
Corn, Thomas
Cosgrove, Thomas F.
Cosla, M.
Cotter, Fred
Crocker, C. P.
Daly, Henry
Daly, John
Davis, Edward
de Bruyn, E.
Donnell, George
Dougherty, William
Dow, John
Draystadt, Johan
Drofs, H. 1824Germany
Dross, H.
Duffy, Cornelius 1852Plymouth, England
Dunn, Phillip
Edwards, Harry
Eklund, C. L.
Eldridge, James O.
Ellis, J.
Eng, Eavin 1861Norway
Ensley, R.
Ericksen, Carl O.
Ericksen, Martin
Erickson , J.
Erickson, John
Fairley, Robert T.
Falch, Charles
Falk, Charles
Fardig, B. G.
Felton, William
Fitzsimons, Williams 1871Liverpool, England
Flinett, Harab
Forbes, C. H.
Foro, Ah
Forsman, Lars
Fox, Joseph
Fraser, J.
Fred, William
Freeman, J.
Frenkle, Richard
Fulton, H.
Fulton, H.
Furganson, James
Gabrain, Joseph
Gahan, W. L.
Galvin, Matthew
Garuth, G.
Gaskill, Joseph
Giecel, M.
Gifford, George
Gilday, Michael
Godfrey, Paul
Goldberg, Harry
Gonzales, Tasento
Goodman, J. E.
Gran, Alf
Grant, Walter
Green, P.
Griffin, D. H.
Guiseppe, P.
Gulford, J.
Gunderman, O.
Gunderson, Olaf
Halb, Robert
Hamdsen, H. A.1860Norway
Hansen, Andrew
Hansen, Ch.
Hansen, G
Hansen, John
Hansen, Martin
Hansen, Nils
Hansen, Th.
Hanson, William
Harhh, Johan
Harper, Joseph
Harris, T.
Harteneck, Harry
Hayden, Henry
Hayes, J.
Hayes, John
Healy, Jim
Helmstrom, Nils
Hendricksen, John
Hernandes, L.
Hiscox, Charles
Hofa, Thomas 1874Liverpool, England
Holbrook, J. O.
Holland, T.
Holm, Carl
Holmes, L. H.
Howell, William
Hudson, M. 1862Denmark
Hyslop, James
Inman, Edward
Jacobeit, Julius
Jacobs, Gustaf
Jakobsen, Olaf 1869Norway
Jean, L.
Jensen, F. S.
Jensen, Hewit
Jensen, J
Jillman, B.
Johansen, A.
Johansen, A. C.
Johansen, P. C.
Johnson, C. W.
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, Johan 1858Finland
Johnson, Joseph
Johnson, Nikolas
Johnson, Peter
Jon, Ah
Jorgensen, George
Karlsen, K.
Kayne, J. L.
Kindberg, Oscar
King, C
King, C.
King, J. E.
Klingbeil, C.
Knaros, John
Kurtz, R. W.
Lamb, William
Larsen, Johann
Larsen, Louis
Leahy, Thomas
Leonard, W. P.
Lewin, Thomas
Linquest, Charles
Logan, Patrick
Loris, Thomas
Louis, A.
Louis, Jean
Low, Fred
Luce, Charlie
Luid, A.
Madsen, Charles
Malmberg, A. O.
Manly, Thomas
Mansfield, George
Marcum, Hy
Marquinson, C.
Marr, Jno
Marshall, G.
Marshall, John P
Marshall, John P.
Martens, K.
Martin, J. C.
Martin, K.
Martin, William
Martin, William
Martins, J.
Martins, K.
Mattsen, Matts
Maxwell, H.
Mayer, Harry?
Mayer, Hary
McAllister, Alex 1861Glasgow, Scotland
McClennen, K.
McCormack, William D.
McDonald, Charles
Mclachlan, J.
McLean, George
McNabb, Duncan
McNamara, James 1850Belfast
Meade, James
Mervin, R. L.
Meum, David
Michot, Arthur
Miller, Ernest
Mills, James
Mitchell, George
Mittens, E.
Moran, Thomas
Moreno, Sam
Mountner, S.
Murray, N.
Nacer, Sam
Neilsen, G.
Neilson, Hans
Nelson, C.
Nelson, John
Nelson, S.
Nevins, Jeremiah
Newman, William
Newson, Duncan
Nichols, George
Nilsen, Anton 1867Norway
Nilsen, Johan
Nilsson, B. P.
Norton, T.
Ohlsen, S.
Oleonno, William
Olofson, John
Olsen, Charles
Olsen, Jorgen 1867Norway
Olsen, Martin
Olsen, Peter
Olsen, Peter Gaston
Orr, Charles
Osburn, Sam
Osburn, Samuel
Otolines, S. H.
Ox, John
Palmer, Agnes
Palmer, Charles
Parker, J. G.
Parker, James G.
Parker, M.
Parsons, Frank
Pedersen, Edvart
Percy, E. B.
Percy, N. E.
Peters, A.
Peters, August
Peters, Fred
Peterson, Charles
Pettersen, Peter
Petterson, C. H.
Petterson, J.
Platt, John
Polanco, Antonio
Preston, F. W.
Purnell, Dan
Purnell, John
Purnell?, Dan?
Quinn, W. H.
Reilly, Charles
Rein, Sam
Reynolds, William
Rilken, J.
Ring, Henry
Roach, Edward
Roselli, G.
Rots, Michael
Saar, Fritz
Sai, Chan Ar
Sandberg, A.
Sawyer, Geo. E.
Scannell, William
Schmeer, R.
Schutz, Carl
Seerus, Lars
Seymour, A. W.
Simpson, John
Sind, Charles
Sing, Sam
Sislir, A.
Skofield, Thomas W.
Sleeling, Thomas
Small, G. D.
Small, George
Small, George D.
Smith, C
Smith, Emil
Smith, James 1816Great Britain
Smith, John
Smith, John
Smith, W.
Snyder, G.
Soderholm, C. B.
Sodsberg, F.
Sommerfeldt, John
Starkka, He
Stevenson, John
Stome, P.
Stromberg, A. A.
Strong, J. H.
Svensan, J
Svensen, John
Svenson, C. G.
Swanson, Martin
Swensen, David
Swenson, J.
Taki, Titani
Tamos, John
Taw, Ah
Taylor, James 1849St. Johns
Thomas, Jeska
Thomas, John 1832England
Thomas, Joseph
Thomas, William
Thomas, Wm.
Thursfield, C.
Tiechgraber, C.
Tobiesen, Niels
Tobissen, Nils
Torni, Peter
Traynor, John
Trodden, Thomas
Tucker, William 1840New York, USA
Tuli, Roger
Tweed, Dan
Tweed, Dan?
Vieghmann, J.
Vigery, A.
Waeber, Fred
Walberg, Carl 1852Sweden
Wall, P.
Watts, W. T.
Wayne, J L
Welsh, John
Welsh, Thomas
Wenzel, A.
Weston, A. R.
Wiendenway, W.
Wilkes, Y.
Williams, Ch.
Williams, Elizabeth
Williams, F.
Williams, George
Williams, John
Williams , Joseph
Williamson, Tom
Williamson, W.
Wilson, George
Wilson, Henry
Wilson, James
Wilson, Robert
Wilson, Thomas 1844USA
Wingard, N. C.
Wingrist, Carl H.
Winkel, Aug.
Wischker, E.
Wood, C.
Wood, Thomas
Wording, M. E.
Zube, Fred


Account of Wages - July 14, 1879 -- Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b168f15
Account of Wages - Sept. 11, 1880 -- Standard (d. Liverpool - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b168f15
Account of Wages - Sept. 11, 1880 -- Standard (d. Acapulco - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b168f15
Account of Wages - Sept. 11, 1880 -- Standard (d. San Francisco - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b168f15
Account of Wages - Sept. 11, 1880 -- Standard (d. Portland - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b168f15
Articles of Agreement - Jan. 25, 1889 -- Standard (d. Liverpool - a. Philadelphia)MS-90 b168f15
Letter - Feb. 13, 1879 -- Standard ( )MS-90 b162f7
Letter - Aug. 11, 1881 -- Standard ( )MS-90 b162f7
Letter - July 11, 1882 -- Standard ( )MS-90 b152f8
Letter - Nov. 7, 1885 -- Standard ( )MS-90 b166f4
Letter - Jan. 30, 1882 -- Standard (d. Philadelphia )MS-90 b162f7
Letter - July 22, 1887 -- Standard ( - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b162f11
Letter - Feb. 26, 1894 -- Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b163f4
Letter - Oct. 12, 1893 -- Standard ( - a. New York)MS-90 b163f5
Letter - Oct. 28, 1893 -- Standard ( - a. New York)MS-90 b163f5
Letter - Sept. 16, 1896 -- Standard (d. New York - a. Shanghai)MS-90 b163f6
Letter - July 24, 1899 -- Standard (d. New York - a. Baltimore)MS-90 b163f9
Letter - May 21, 1889 -- Standard ( - a. Philadelphia)MS-90 b164f1
Portage Account - Mar. 17, 1892 -- Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b169f2
Portage Account - Oct. 7, 1889 -- Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - Mar. 31, 1883 -- Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b168f15
Portage Account - May 5, 1886 -- Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b169f1
Portage Account - Dec. 22, 1881 -- Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b169f1
Portage Account - Nov. 7, 1884 -- Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b169f1
Portage Account - Nov. 15, 1892 -- Standard (d. San Francisco - a. Philadelphia)MS-90 b169f2
Portage Account - Nov. 15, 1892 -- Standard (d. Caleta Buena - a. Philadelphia)MS-90 b169f2
Portage Account - Apr. 14, 1897 -- Standard (d. New York - a. Boston)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - Apr. 14, 1897 -- Standard (d. Shanghai - a. Boston)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - Apr. 14, 1897 -- Standard (d. New York - a. Shanghai)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - Dec. 7, 1897 -- Standard (d. New York - a. Amoy)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - Feb. 10, 1898 -- Standard (d. New York - a. Hong Kong)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - Feb. 10, 1898 -- Standard (d. Amoy - a. Hong Kong)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - July 1, 1898 -- Standard (d. New York - a. Baltimore)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - July 1, 1898 -- Standard (d. Hong Kong - a. Baltimore)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - July 1, 1898 -- Standard (d. Amoy - a. Baltimore)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - Feb. 16, 1899 -- Standard (d. Baltimore - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - June 8, 1899 -- Standard (d. San Francisco - a. Honolulu)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - June 8, 1899 -- Standard (d. Tacoma - a. Honolulu)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - July 15, 1899 -- Standard (d. San Francisco - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - July 15, 1899 -- Standard (d. San Francisco - a. Honolulu)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - July 15, 1899 -- Standard (d. Honolulu - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b169f3
Portage Account - Feb. 28, 1881 -- Standard ( - a. Liverpool Feb. 5, 1881)MS-90 b169f01
Portage Bill - Jan. 19, 1880 -- Standard (d. San Francisco - a. Liverpool)MS-90 b168f15
Portage Bill - Feb. 9, 1881 -- Standard (d. San Francisco - a. Liverpool)MS-90 b169f1
Portage Bill - June 1, 1881 -- Standard (d. Liverpool - a. Philadelphia)MS-90 b169f1
Portage Bill - June 3, 1882 -- Standard (d. San Francisco - a. Havre)MS-90 b169f1
Portage Bill - Feb. 6, 1884 -- Standard (d. San Francisco - a. Liverpool)MS-90 b169f1
Portage Bill - Dec. 20, 1888 -- Standard (d. Astoria - a. Liverpool)MS-90 b169f2
Portage Bill - Dec. 20, 1888 -- Standard (d. Portland - a. Liverpool)MS-90 b169f2
Portage Bill - Jan. 4, 1889 -- Standard (d. Portland - a. Liverpool)MS-90 b169f3
Protest - Mar. 2, 1889 -- Standard (d. Liverpool - a. Philadelphia)MS-90 b169f4
Protest - Apr. 17, 1889 -- Standard (d. Liverpool - a. Philadelphia)MS-90 b169f4
Receipt - Dec. 4, 1879 -- Standard ( )MS-90 b162f7
Receipt - July 22, 1899 -- Standard ( )MS-90 b168f11
Receipt - July 23, 1899 -- Standard ( )MS-90 b168f11
Receipt - July 27, 1899 -- Standard ( )MS-90 b168f11
Receipt - Oct. 30, 1895 -- Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. New York)MS-90 b167f17
Receipt - Oct. 29, 1895 -- Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. New York)MS-90 b167f17
Receipt - May 17, 1897 -- Standard ( - a. New York)MS-90 b168f4
Seaman's Allotment Note - Feb. 2, 1893 -- Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b169f4


VoyageVoyage TypeCaptain
Standard ( )MerchantNathaniel Ellis Percy
Standard (d. Philadelphia )MerchantPercy
Standard ( - a. San Francisco)Merchant
Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. San Francisco)Merchant
Standard ( - a. New York)Merchant
Standard (d. New York - a. Shanghai)MerchantJohn H. Snow
Standard (d. New York - a. Baltimore)Merchant
Standard ( - a. Philadelphia)MerchantPercy
Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. New York)Merchant
Standard ( - a. New York)Merchant
Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. San Francisco)MerchantN. E. Percy
Standard (d. San Francisco - a. Liverpool)MerchantN. E. Percy
Standard (d. Liverpool - a. San Francisco)MerchantN. E. Percy
Standard (d. Acapulco - a. San Francisco)MerchantN. E. Percy
Standard (d. San Francisco - a. San Francisco)MerchantN. E. Percy
Standard (d. Portland - a. San Francisco)MerchantN. E. Percy
Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. San Francisco)MerchantN. E. Percy
Standard (d. Liverpool - a. Philadelphia)MerchantN. E. Percy
Standard (d. San Francisco - a. Liverpool)Merchant
Standard (d. Liverpool - a. Philadelphia)Merchant
Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. San Francisco)MerchantN. E. Percy
Standard (d. San Francisco - a. Havre)MerchantN. E. Percy
Standard (d. San Francisco - a. Liverpool)MerchantN. E. Percy
Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. San Francisco)MerchantN. E. Percy
Standard (d. Astoria - a. Liverpool)MerchantA. M. Curtis
Standard (d. Portland - a. Liverpool)MerchantA. M Curtis
Standard (d. San Francisco - a. Philadelphia)MerchantN. E. Percy
Standard (d. Caleta Buena - a. Philadelphia)MerchantN. E. Percy
Standard (d. New York - a. Boston)MerchantJohn H. Snow
Standard (d. Shanghai - a. Boston)MerchantJohn H. Snow
Standard (d. New York - a. Shanghai)MerchantJohn H. Snow
Standard (d. New York - a. Amoy)MerchantGetchell
Standard (d. New York - a. Hong Kong)MerchantGetchell
Standard (d. Amoy - a. Hong Kong)MerchantGetchell
Standard (d. New York - a. Baltimore)MerchantGetchell
Standard (d. Hong Kong - a. Baltimore)MerchantGetchell
Standard (d. Amoy - a. Baltimore)MerchantGetchell
Standard (d. Baltimore - a. San Francisco)MerchantG. T. Getchell
Standard (d. San Francisco - a. Honolulu)MerchantG. T. Getchell
Standard (d. Tacoma - a. Honolulu)MerchantG. T. Getchell
Standard (d. San Francisco - a. San Francisco)MerchantG. T. Getchell
Standard (d. San Francisco - a. Honolulu)MerchantG. T. Getchell
Standard (d. Honolulu - a. San Francisco)MerchantG. T. Getchell
Standard (d. Philadelphia - a. San Francisco)Merchant
Standard ( - a. Liverpool Feb. 5, 1881)MerchantN. C. Percy

The information given in this database is entered here as it is on the document or documents in the Maine Maritime Museum collections. The spelling of the mariner’s name may be wrong, the arithmetic may be wrong, and some descriptions may be thoughtless or not politically correct, but they are shown as found. We have attempted to standardize the names and descriptions of vessels and the spelling of place names. We have tried to include in notes fields important information that does not fit in the standard fields.