Maine Maritime Museum


Rig/class: Four-mast schooner
Year Built: 1891
Official Number: 92371




NameYear of BirthBirthplaceResidenceCitizenship
Ackwerth, W.
Adams, Henry 1843New York, USA
Adams, William 1823New York, USA
Adamson, William 1836Boston, MA - USA
Alexander, Joseph
Altmore, Charles 1837New York, USA
Anderson, Albert
Anderson, Niels 1834Holland
Andy, Joseph 1848
Andy, Joseph 1848Boston, MA - USA
Archi, John 1851China
Atheson, harles 1842
Aube, Frank
Bailey, Walter 1844New York, USA
Ballard, H. B.1848Maine
Barstow, Charles F.
Beaton, John 1839
Beaton, John 1843New York, USA
Bell, Dan
Bell, David 1845Scotland
Bixby, J. O.1828Massachusetts, USA
Bixby, J. O.1828Massachusetts, USA
Blair, Winthrop G.1852Woolwich, ME - USA
Bonner, Daniel 1850St. Johns
Bontempo, Frank 1833
Borchents, H. 1840New York, USA
Brien, George O.1829London, England
Brown, Charles
Brown, Charles 1837Finland
Brown, Charles 1847Bremen
Brown, John 1846
Brown, Robert 1833Sweden
Bryant, Patrick 1852England
Burk, Pat
Burleigh, David
Burt, William E.1845New York, USA
Butler, George 1831Savannah, GA - USA
Butler, James 1844
Butler, James 1844Boston, MA - USA
Butler, John 1838USA
Byne, F. 1843England
Byne, Susan 1853
Cary, Joseph 1838New York, USA
Clark, W. 1850England
Coleman, John 1850Ireland
Coleman, Robert
Collins, John 1849Ireland
Collins, John
Collins, John
Corey, Francisco 1842Genoa, Italy
Cosmont, C. J.
Coster, Albert 1846New York, USA
Coutts, Andrew W.1855Kingston
Crane, Thomas 1848USA
Cunningham, B. 1839Boston, MA - USA
Curtis, Lewis 1846France
Dable, Hy
Davies, J. 1848Boston, MA - USA
Davis, Charles J.
Davis, Thomas 1840England
Davis, Thomas Prussia
Davis, William 1841New York, USA
Day, Thomas
Day, Thomas 1844Massachusetts, USA
Deeble, Henry 1846England
Deering, Charles
Dempsey, John 1853USA
Deselle, Antonio 1836Austria
Dillon, John C.1828USA
Dougherty, G. 1842Massachusetts, USA
Dougherty, George
Douglas, William 1851England
Dudley, Charles 1834New York, USA
Duffy, John 1833New York, USA
Duggan, Michael 1855USA
Dumas, Charles 1835
Dunn, John
Edmonds, James 1848St. Davids
Edmonds, John 1823St. Davids
Edwards, Charles
Evans, David William1842Baltimore, MD - USA
Evans, Henry
Evans, Henry 1851England
Farrell, James 1831Dublin, Ireland
Fenton, Thomas 1835New York, USA
Ferguson, J. 1843Savannah, GA - USA
Fisher, Thomas 1835Russia
Flemming, A. 1850New York, USA
Foss, George 1833Machias, ME - USA
Frith, Henry 1852Liverpool, England
Furey, Charles
Furlong, Charles 1851St. Johns
Gardiner, Thomas
Garrot, Phylip 1841Boston, MA - USA
Getting, Lars 1844Philadelphia, PA - USA
Goss, William 1842Long Island
Green, Lewis 1833Mobile, AL - USA
Griffin, Thomas 1848Liverpool, England
Grofs, Michael 1840Savannah, GA - USA
Gunn, William 1848New York, USA
Hadlanc (sp?), Ingvald
Hagan, Frank W.
Hall, G. H.1843Long Island
Hall, Isaac 1842New York, USA
Hall, Isaac
Hally, Joseph
Hardy, Wm.
Hart, Thomas 1851Liverpool, England
Hartzog, Virgil
Haskell, H. P.
Hastad, K.
Hayden, James 1847Ireland
Hayes, Joe 1848New York, USA
Hayes, Robert
Henry, James 1834New York, USA
Henry, Samuel 1851New York, USA
Holmes, George 1833Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
Howard, John 1851Liverpool, England
Howard, Phil 1844Michigan
Howes, William 1852St. John, Canada
Huffy (Haffy?), Karl Olaf
Hughes, Thomas 1838New York, USA
Hynn, H. 1840Cork, Ireland
Jackson, James 1850Ireland
Jacobson, Wilfred
Jenner, Edward T.
Jenner, Edward Thomas
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, J. 1841Boston, MA - USA
Johnson, John H.1820Portsmouth, NH - USA
Johnson, Robert 1851
Johnson, S.
Johnson, William 1842Finland
Jones, Abraham
Jones, John
Jones, John 1850England
Jordan, Thomas 1847New York, USA
Kelly, James 1850Liverpool, England
Kemson, L.
Kirk, Robert 1851
Kirk, Robert 1851New York, USA
Knuth, F.
Kristensen, J.
Lamont, Henry 1853USA
Larrabee, George H.
Larrabee, George H.1836Bath, ME - USA
Larrabee, George H.1836Maine
Larrabee, George H.1835Maine
Lee, John 1849Boston, MA - USA
Lloyd, James 1831Limerick, Ireland
Lofke, C. 1842Germany
Lowell, W. 1859Maine
Lowerby, John
Lydon, John 1841New York, USA
Lynch, F. 1845New York, USA
Lyons, Francis 1848Dover
Mansfield, E. A.
Mansfield, Peter 1847USA
Martin , John
Maxwell, J. 1846Boston, MA - USA
McCaffery, Charles 1852Boston, MA - USA
McCaffery, Charles 1853Liverpool, England
McCarty, James 1847USA
McColley, Archy
McColley, Archy 1840Scotland
McGant, Edward
McIntire, George E.
McIntosh, W. S.1843New York, USA
McKelvey, John
McKelvey, John 1842Glasgow, Scotland
McKennan, Dan 1849Sydney
McKenzie, John 1844Scotland
McKinley, George 1841New York, USA
McKinman, Donald
McLeast, James
McNeil, John 1842Eastport, ME - USA
Mercer, William 1850New York, USA
Merchant, A. 1836Savannah, GA - USA
Merry, Norman
Miles, Charles 1851Dublin, Ireland
Miller, Willam
Moffat, J. S.1834New York, USA
Montgomery, Joseph 1843Scotland
Morris, Henry 1820Philadelphia, PA - USA
Morton, Helen 1836Pennsylvania, PA - USA
Morton, Joseph 1836New York, USA
Murphy, Henry
Myers, John L.
Myers, Robert 1843New York, USA
Nealey, John 1839Boston, MA - USA
Neary, James 1834
Neary, James 1834New York, USA
Nelson, Andrew 1848Norway
Nicey, John 1839
O'Brien, Thomas
Obrine, Thomas 1853Ireland
Obrine, Thomas
Oliver, M L
Paon, Charles 1848Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
Parker, Edward 1825Baltimore, MD - USA
Pearson, Charles
Peirson, John 1848Boston, MA - USA
Percy, A. L.
Peters, Andrew
Peters, Charles 1844New York, USA
Peterson, H.
Peterson, Samuel 1843Finland
Petterson, Harry
Pinkham, E M
Potter, John H.1851Maine
Ralston, Wm.
Randolph, Eugene 1850
Randolph, Eugene 1850New York, USA
Riley, W. 1852England
Riley, William
Risker, Patrick 1836London, England
Robinson, G. H.1846England
Robinson, Samuel 1839Boston, MA - USA
Roelops, John
Roelops, T. 1824Germany
Rogers, Benjamin 1841Massachusetts, USA
Rogers, Gene
Rose, Charles 1832Havre, France
Rotter, John 1855Brooklyn, NY - USA
Rotter, John 1854New York, USA
Samson, Peter
Satories, John
Savage, A. E.1845Philadelphia, PA - USA
Schenck, William 1839
Septins, Demetra 1847New York, USA
Shearman, William
Sheppard, William 1839New York, USA
Sherry, J. 1841Boston, MA - USA
Sherry, James 1837New York, USA
Silva, Joseph 1829Cuba
Silvia, Joseph
Skalabrin, Mattio 1852Hungary
Slimon, D.
Slimon, James 1848Scotland
Small, John 1844New York, USA
Smallwood, Oscar
Smart, Hiram 1836New York, USA
Smith, Alexander 1836New York, USA
Smith, John 1844New York, USA
Smith, William 1843Ireland
Sprague, J. B.1850Massachusetts, USA
Sprague, J. B.1850Maine
Sprague, James B.1847Maine
Sprague, James B.1850
Sprague, James R.1848Maine
Steele, John 1850Liverpool, England
Stenboss, Alfred
Stetson, Joseph G.1839New York, USA
Stevenson, Ed
Stevenson, Edward 1844Sweden
Stewart, Alen G.1843Brooklyn, NY - USA
Swenberg, E.
Swenberg, Ed 1830
Taylor, William
Tell, Charles
Tell, Charles 1830Sweden
Thackwell, Thomas A.
Thackwell, Thomas A.1827England
Tremaine, Benjamin 1849Massachusetts, USA
Tulloch, J. B.1824
Turner, Charles
Turner, Charles 1851England
Vertemayer, Ciral 1847Antwerp, Belgium
Walker, James 1845USA
Wallenius, W.
Walsh, Thomas 1847USA
Walton, Frederick G.1843Canada
Wan (sp?), The Wy
Webb, Edward 1855London, England
Welsh, William
Whaling, Edward 1849New York, USA
White, James 1845Boston, MA - USA
Whyman, T.
William, Charles 1843New York, USA
Williams, Charlie 1847Baltimore, MD - USA
Williams, David
Williams, John
Williamson, Thomas 1849Leith
Wilson, Frank 1846New York, USA
Wilson, G.
Wilson, James 1843
Wilson, James 1843New York, USA
Wilson, John 1841New York, USA
Wilson, W. 1852Liverpool, England
Wilson, William 1849Boston, MA - USA
Wording, William H.1830New York, USA
Workman, John 1840New York, USA
Wright, Austin 1845England
Wright, William 1844New York, USA
Wright, Wm.
Wyatt, Alex 1831USA
Young, James C


Articles of Agreement - June 3, 1870 -- Merom (d. St. John - a. Cardiff)MS-90 b134f1
Articles of Agreement - Dec. 28, 1870 -- Merom (d. Savannah - a. Liverpool)MS-90 b134f1
Articles of Agreement - June 7, 1871 -- Merom (d. Savannah - a. Liverpool)MS-90 b134f2
Articles of Agreement - Apr. 19, 1871 -- Merom (d. Liverpool - a. Savannah)MS-90 b134f2
Articles of Agreement - Oct. 6, 1870 -- Merom (d. Bath - a. Savannah)MS-90 b134f1
Articles of Agreement - Oct. 22, 1870 -- Merom (d. Bath - a. Savannah)MS-90 b134f1
Articles of Agreement - Oct. 9, 1871 -- Merom (d. New York - a. Liverpool)MS-90 b134f2
Articles of Agreement - Mar. 25, 1872 -- Merom (d. New York - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b134f3
Articles of Agreement - Sept. 13, 1872 -- Merom (d. San Francisco - a. Cork)MS-90 b134f3
Articles of Agreement - May 15, 1873 -- Merom (d. North Shields - a. Hong Kong)MS-90 b134f4
Articles of Agreement - Oct. 1, 1874 -- Merom (d. New York - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b134f4
Articles of Agreement - Apr. 14, 1875 -- Merom (d. San Francisco - a. Liverpool)MS-90 b134f5
Consular Certificate - Feb. 25, 1871 -- Merom (d. Liverpool - a. Savannah)MS-90 b134f1
Consular Certificate - July 25, 1871 -- Merom (d. Liverpool - a. New York)MS-90 b134f2
Consular Certificate - Sept. 30, 1875 -- Merom (d. Liverpool - a. New Orleans)MS-90 b134f5
Disbursements Account - Aug. 27, 1872 -- Merom ( - a. San Francisco)MS-90 b134f3
Portage Account - Mar. 2, 1897 -- Merom (d. Tampa - a. New York)MS-90 b142 f13
Portage Account - May 7, 1898 -- Merom (d. unknown - a. Boston)MS-90 b142 f13
Portage Bill - Aug. 27, 1875 -- Merom (d. San Francisco - a. Liverpool)MS-90 b134f8
Portage Bill - Dec. 1, 1891 -- Merom (d. Philadelphia Oct. 27, 1891 - a. Portland Nov. 5, 1891)MS-90 b142f12
Portage Bill - Jan. 31, 1900 -- Merom ( )MS90 b142 f14
Portage Bill - June 30, 1900 -- Merom ( )MS-90 b142 f14
Receipt - Jan. 16, 1897 -- Merom ( - a. Port Tampa Jan. 7, 1897)MS-90 b140f9
Receipt - Aug. 27, 1875 -- Merom (d. San Francisco - a. Liverpool)MS-90 b134f10


VoyageVoyage TypeCaptain
Merom ( - a. Port Tampa Jan. 7, 1897)MerchantR.J. Kelly
Merom (d. St. John - a. Cardiff)Merchant
Merom (d. Savannah - a. Liverpool)MerchantJ. S. Lowell
Merom (d. Liverpool - a. Savannah)Merchant
Merom (d. Bath - a. Savannah)MerchantLowell
Merom (d. New York - a. Liverpool)MerchantJohn S. Lowell
Merom (d. Liverpool - a. New York)Merchant
Merom ( - a. San Francisco)MerchantJohn S. Lowell
Merom (d. New York - a. San Francisco)MerchantJohn S. Lowell
Merom (d. San Francisco - a. Cork)MerchantJohn S. Lowell
Merom (d. North Shields - a. Hong Kong)MerchantJohn S. Lowell
Merom (d. New York - a. San Francisco)MerchantJ. S. Lowell
Merom (d. San Francisco - a. Liverpool)MerchantJ. S. Lowell
Merom (d. Liverpool - a. New Orleans)Merchant
Merom (d. Philadelphia Oct. 27, 1891 - a. Portland Nov. 5, 1891)MerchantR. T. Kelly
Merom (d. Tampa - a. New York)MerchantR. J. Kelly
Merom (d. unknown - a. Boston)MerchantR. K. Kelly
Merom ( )Merchant
Merom ( )Merchant

The information given in this database is entered here as it is on the document or documents in the Maine Maritime Museum collections. The spelling of the mariner’s name may be wrong, the arithmetic may be wrong, and some descriptions may be thoughtless or not politically correct, but they are shown as found. We have attempted to standardize the names and descriptions of vessels and the spelling of place names. We have tried to include in notes fields important information that does not fit in the standard fields.