Maine Maritime Museum


Voyage Voyage Type Captain
Ida A. Thurlow (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant William Young
Ida A. Thurlow (d. Jonesport - a. Grand Manan, N.B.) Merchant William Young
Ida C. (d. Boston - a. Portland) Merchant Coffin
Ida C. (d. Boston - a. Guadeloupe ) Merchant Coffin
Ida C. (d. Boston - a. Norfolk) Merchant Coffin
Ida C. (d. Boston - a. West Indies ) Merchant J. B. Coffin
Ida C. (d. Boston - a. Haiti ) Merchant
Ida C. (d. Boston - a. Chaleur Bay) Merchant Trefry
Ida C. (d. Boston - a. Norfolk) Merchant
Ida May ( - a. Philadelphia) Merchant
Ida May (d. Machias - a. Two Rivers) Merchant F. P. Lamson
Ida May (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant W. H. Faulkinghim
Ida May (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant William H. Faulkingham
Ida May ( ) Merchant Drisko
Ida May ( - a. Jonesport) Merchant
Ida May (d. Machias - a. St. John) Merchant W. H. Faulkingham
Ida May (d. Jonesport - a. St. John) Merchant William H. Faulkingham
Ida May (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant William H. Faulkingham
Ida May (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant W. H. Faulkingham
Ida May (d. Machias - a. New York) Merchant William H. Faulkingham
Ida May (d. Jonesport - a. Wood Point) Merchant W. H. Faulkingham
Ida May (d. Jonesport - a. St. John) Merchant W. H. Faulkingham
Ida May (d. Jonesport - a. Wood Point) Merchant W. H. Faulkingham
Independence ( ) Merchant Henry Kelley
Independence ( ) Merchant William H. Kelley
Independence ( - a. Jonesport) Merchant Freeman L. Kelley
Independence ( ) Merchant Eben J. Kelley
Indiana (d. San Francisco - a. New York) Merchant Jack
Indiana (d. New York ) Merchant
Indiana (d. New York - a. Portland) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana ( - a. Portland) Merchant
Indiana (d. Astoria - a. Portland) Merchant
Indiana (d. Portland - a. St. Nazaire) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana (d. Portland - a. St. Nazaire) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana (d. Portland - a. Philadelphia) Merchant
Indiana (d. St. Nazaire - a. Philadelphia) Merchant
Indiana (d. Philadelphia - a. Astoria) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana (d. Astoria May 6, 1883 - a. Portland May 7, 1883) Merchant
Indiana ( - a. Portland) Merchant
Indiana (d. San Francisco - a. San Francisco) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana (d. San Francisco - a. Seattle) Merchant
Indiana (d. Seattle - a. San Francisco) Merchant
Indiana (d. San Francisco ) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana (d. Queenstown - a. Dublin) Merchant
Indiana (d. Dublin - a. Cardiff) Merchant
Indiana ( - a. Cardiff) Merchant
Indiana (d. San Francisco - a. Dublin) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana (d. Cardiff ) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana (d. Cardiff ) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana (d. Newcastle-upon-Tyne - a. San Francisco) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana (d. Port Townsend ) Merchant
Indiana (d. Tacoma - a. Dunkirk) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana ( - a. Acapulco) None
Indiana (d. Dunkirk - a. Acapulco) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana (d. Dunkirk - a. Port Townsend) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana (d. Acapulco - a. Port Townsend) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana (d. Cardiff - a. Port Townsend) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana (d. Port Townsend - a. Baltimore) Merchant Morrison
Indiana (d. Buenos Aires - a. Baltimore) Merchant Morrison
Indiana (d. Port Townsend ) Merchant
Indiana (d. Port Townsend - a. Buenos Aires) Merchant
Indiana (d. Baltimore - a. San Francisco) Merchant P. H. M. Morrison
Indiana ( - a. San Francisco) Merchant Colley
Indiana (d. San Francisco - a. Liverpool) Merchant L. S. Colley
Indiana ( - a. San Francisco) Merchant L. S. Colley
Indiana (d. Liverpool - a. New York) Merchant L. S. Colley
Indiana (d. New York - a. Portland) Merchant L. S. Colley
Indiana ( - a. Astoria) Merchant
Indiana (d. Astoria - a. Havre) Merchant L. S. Colley
Indiana (d. Havre - a. New York) Merchant Colley
Indiana (d. New York - a. Astoria) Merchant Colley
Indiana ( - a. Portland) Merchant L. S. Colley
Indiana (d. Yokohama ) Merchant L. S. Colley
Indiana (d. Astoria - a. Yokohama) Merchant
Indiana (d. Shanghai - a. Philadelphia) Merchant L. S. McCarren
Induna (d. Halifax - a. England Jan. 1, 1941) Merchant
Innerwick (d. Boston - a. Montevideo) Merchant Waters
Iolanthe (d. Boston ) Merchant Card
Iolanthe (d. Jonesport - a. Grand Manan, N.B.) Merchant Vurney L. King
Ion (d. Boston - a. Barbados) Merchant Harris
Iowa (d. Boston July 14, 1881 - a. Liverpool) Merchant Walters
Ipe Ipeus (d. Boston Dec. 20, 1882 - a. Richmond) Merchant Houwing
Irene (d. Jonesport - a. Boston) Merchant William Woodward
Irene (d. Jonesport - a. Shag Harbor) Merchant W. H. Woodward
Iroquois (d. New York ) None
Iroquois (d. Portland - a. New Tacoma) Merchant
Iroquois ( - a. Plymouth) Merchant
Iroquois (d. Port Townsend - a. Baltimore) Merchant Nickels
Iroquois (d. Plymouth - a. Baltimore) Merchant Nickels
Iroquois (d. Baltimore - a. San Francisco) Merchant A. V. Nickels
Iroquois ( - a. San Francisco) Merchant
Iroquois (d. San Francisco - a. Liverpool) Merchant A. V. Nickels
Iroquois (d. Liverpool - a. San Francisco) Merchant A. V. Nickels
Iroquois (d. San Francisco - a. San Francisco) Merchant A. V. Nickels
Iroquois ( - a. San Francisco) Merchant
Iroquois (d. San Francisco - a. Liverpool) Merchant A. V. Nickels
Iroquois ( - a. Liverpool) Merchant A. V. Nickels
Iroquois (d. San Francisco ) Merchant A. V. Nickels
Iroquois (d. San Francisco - a. Liverpool) Merchant A. V. Nickels
Iroquois (d. Cardiff - a. San Francisco) Merchant A. C. Otis

The information given in this database is entered here as it is on the document or documents in the Maine Maritime Museum collections. The spelling of the mariner’s name may be wrong, the arithmetic may be wrong, and some descriptions may be thoughtless or not politically correct, but they are shown as found. We have attempted to standardize the names and descriptions of vessels and the spelling of place names. We have tried to include in notes fields important information that does not fit in the standard fields.