Maine Maritime Museum


Voyage Voyage Type Captain
Granger (d. Valparaiso - a. San Francisco) Merchant Uriel Doane
Granger (d. San Francisco - a. San Francisco) Merchant Uriel Doane
Granger (d. San Francisco - a. Liverpool) Merchant Uriel Doane
Granger (d. Liverpool - a. San Francisco) Merchant Uriel Doane
Granger (d. Bath - a. San Francisco) Merchant
Granger (d. New York - a. San Francisco) Merchant Uriel Doane
Granger (d. Valparaiso - a. San Francisco) Merchant Uriel Doane
Granger (d. Liverpool - a. Manila) Merchant Uriel Doane
Granger (d. San Francisco - a. Manila) Merchant Uriel Doane
Granger (d. Liverpool - a. Manila) Merchant Uriel Doane
Granger (d. Liverpool June 29, 1877 - a. Manila) Merchant Uriel Doane
Granville (d. Boston ) Merchant R. F. Bowen
Granville Belle (d. Boston - a. New York) Merchant Purdy
Gustav Metzler (d. Boston - a. New Zealand) Merchant
Gwalia (d. Boston - a. West Indies ) Merchant Hughes
Gwalia (d. Boston - a. West Indies ) Merchant Hughes
H. A. De Witt (d. Boston ) Merchant
H. S. Boynton ( ) Fishing
H.L. Routh ( ) Merchant
Hamburg (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant James G. Bryant
Hamburg (d. Jonesport - a. Sand River) Merchant James G. Bryant
Hamburg (d. Jonesport - a. Spencers Island, N.S.) Merchant James G. Bryant
Hamburg (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant D. R. White
Hamburg (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant Warren White
Hamburg (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant Warren White
Hamburg (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant James G. Bryant
Hamburg (d. Jonesport - a. Sand River) Merchant James G. Bryant
Hamburg (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant Warren White
Hamburg (d. Jonesport - a. Shulie) Merchant James G. Bryant
Hamburg (d. Jonesport - a. Sand River) Merchant James G. Bryant
Hamburg (d. Jonesport - a. Spencers Island, N.S.) Merchant James G. Bryant
Hamburg (d. Machias - a. Jonesport) Merchant D. R. White
Hampton (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant Fred W. Beal
Hampton (d. Jonesport - a. Boston) Merchant F. W. Beal
Hampton (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant George M. Davis
Hampton (d. Jonesport - a. Salmon River) Merchant Fred W. Beal
Hampton (d. Jonesport - a. Two Rivers) Merchant George M. Daws
Hannah F. Carleton (d. Jonesport - a. Hillsboro) Merchant E. W. Beal
Hannah F. Carleton (d. Jonesport - a. Jonesport) Merchant P. E. Faulkingham
Hannah F. Carleton (d. Jonesport - a. Hillsboro) Merchant P. E. Faulkingham
Hannah F. Carleton (d. Jonesport - a. St. John) Merchant P. E. Faulkingham
Hannah F. Carleton (d. Perth Amboy - a. St. John) Merchant P. E. Faulkingham
Hannah F. Carlton ( ) Merchant
Hannah F. Carlton (d. Jonesport - a. Newark) Merchant E. W. Beal
Hannah F. Carlton (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant D. D. Dunbar
Hannah F. Carlton (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant D. D. Dunbar
Hannah F. Carlton (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant D. D. Dunbar
Hannah F. Carlton (d. Jonesport - a. Newark) Merchant D. D. Dunbar
Hannah F. Carlton (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant P. E. Faulkingham
Hannah F. Carlton (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant P. E. Faulkingham
Hannah F. Carlton (d. Jonesport - a. Newark) Merchant P. E. Faulkingham
Hannah F. Carlton (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant P. E. Faulkingham
Hansa (d. Boston - a. London) Merchant Sanderson
Harriet (d. Portland - a. Portland) Merchant Merriman
Harriet Campbell (d. Boston - a. Buenos Aires) Merchant
Harriet Upham (d. Boston - a. Cape Breton) Merchant
Harriet Upham (d. Boston - a. East London ) Merchant M. Florian
Harry Bailey (d. Boston - a. New York) Merchant
Harry Buschman (d. Boston - a. Rio de la Plata) Merchant Cottam
Harry Buschman (d. Boston - a. Montevideo) Merchant Cottam
Harry Keslake (d. Boston - a. West Indies ) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston ) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Baltimore) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Baltimore) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Baltimore) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Coastwise) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Baltimore) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Coastwise) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Coastwise) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Coastwise) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Coastwise) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Coastwise) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Coastwise) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Coastwise) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Coal Port) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Coastwise) Merchant
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Coal Port) Merchant Sears
Harry Messer (d. Boston - a. Coal Port) Merchant
Harry S. Lord, Jr. ( ) Merchant F. Kimball
Hartington (d. Boston - a. Baltimore) Merchant Hull
Harvest Queen (d. Bath Mar. 23, 1853 - a. New Orleans May 5, 1853) Merchant R.P. Manson
Harvester (d. Nanaimo, British Columbia - a. San Francisco) Merchant
Harvester ( - a. San Francisco) Merchant W. Taylor
Harvester (d. San Francisco - a. San Francisco) Merchant W. Taylor
Harvester (d. San Francisco - a. San Francisco) Merchant W. Taylor
Harvester (d. San Francisco - a. Havre) Merchant
Harvester (d. San Francisco - a. Havre) Merchant
Harvester (d. Philadelphia - a. New Tacoma) Merchant
Harvester (d. New Tacoma - a. Liverpool) Merchant
Harvey Mills ( ) Merchant Warren F. Mills
Harvey Mills (d. Liverpool - a. New York Mar. 13, 1878) Merchant Warren F. Mills
Harvey Mills ( ) Merchant John L. Crawford
Harvey Mills ( ) Merchant John L. Crawford
Harvey Mills ( ) Merchant John L. Crawford
Harvey Mills (d. Liverpool May 19, 1882 - a. Queenstown ) Merchant Warren F. Mills
Harvey Mills ( ) Merchant Gleason Young
Harvey Mills (d. Seattle Dec. 12, 1886 ) Merchant John L. Crawford
Hastings (d. Boston - a. West Coast of Africa ) Merchant
Hattie E. King (d. Jonesport - a. Baltimore) Merchant Henry M. Crowley
Hattie E. King (d. Jonesport - a. New York) Merchant H. M. Crowley

The information given in this database is entered here as it is on the document or documents in the Maine Maritime Museum collections. The spelling of the mariner’s name may be wrong, the arithmetic may be wrong, and some descriptions may be thoughtless or not politically correct, but they are shown as found. We have attempted to standardize the names and descriptions of vessels and the spelling of place names. We have tried to include in notes fields important information that does not fit in the standard fields.