Maine Maritime Museum


Rig/class: Ship
Year Built: 1864
Official Number:




NameYear of BirthBirthplaceResidenceCitizenship
Adron, Margreth
Adron, Margreto
Adrona, Margrito
Albee, W.
Albee, Wilmet
Albee, Wilmot
Allen, Z.
Allen, Zacheus
Allen, Zachus
Alley, Wilmot
Amstr, Henry
Anderson, William
Anthony, George
Armstrong, Henrey
Armstrong, Henrey
Baker, Daniel
Baker, W.
Becker, William
Bell, George
Berry, John
Berry, Joseph
Bibber, R. L.
Blancha, James
Blanchan, James
Blanchard, James
Bostomo, B.
Bradford, Isah
Brady, Joseph
Brambert, Charles
Brassils, William
Bright, William G.
Brown, Hindar
Brown, John 1842USA
Burce, Henrey
Burns, Henrey
Burns, Henry
Burton, John
Cabeero, Jere
Caisey, Thomas
Callins, Michal
Capedy, P.
Carbrero, Jeear
Carrero, Jerar
Casedy, Peter
Casey, Thomas
Casy, Thomas
Chapman, Ramond
Christian, Charles
Clinton, D.
Clinton, David
Coalts, William
Coates, William
Colman, William
Cook, Francis
Cook, Francis G.
Cook, Frank
Costigan, H.
Costigan, Hosea
Cowans, Thomas
Cresey, William J.
Cunningham, W.
Davis, William 1841New York, USA
Dennison, William
Dilling, James
Edivene, William
Edwards, James 1844Antigua
Ellenor, Henrey
Ellenor, Henry
Emery, Thomas L.
Farrell, John
Feira, Frank
Freeze, Henrey
Fries, Henrey
Frise, Henrey
Frise, Henry
Frisl, Henry
Gill, John
Harris, John 1838Philadelphia, PA - USA
Henrey, John
Higgans, George
Higgins, George
Hill, Charles 1840St John, New Brunswick
Hilsey, James
Hines, C.
Huggart, John 1847Glasgow, Scotland
Hyne, John
Jefferey, William
Johns, John
Johnson , E.
Johnson, Elias
Johnson, Elis
Johnson, Peter
Jones, Alfred
Jones, John
Kelley, James
Kendall, Charles
Kenny, Charles
Kilohauoman, Randolph
Kindall, Charles C.
King, Charles
Kingsbury, Lewis
Lake, J.
Laurents, James
Laurents, John
Lawrence, James
Lewis, F.
Lewis, Fred
Mansten, J. L.
Mary, Joseph
Matthewson, Henry 1847Liverpool, England
McLean, William 1843West Southport, ME - USAWest Indies
McReedy, Peter
Moor, Georg
Morgan, Thomas
Morris, James
Morse, Charles A.
Moyre, George
Nelson, Edward
Nelson, John
Nelson, Peter
Norton, Daniel
Noyes, John L.
Paleigo, John
Perry, Andrew
Perry, Joseph
Pike, John F.
Potter, W. A.
Preble, Harvey
Prible, Harvy
Pugh, Thomas
Quigley, Michael 1848England
Ragon, John
Ragon, Stephen F.
Reynolds, Robb
Rhyan, Charles
Rich, David
Richardson, George T.
Ritchy, John
Rollats, J. P.
Russell, B. T.
Ryan, C.
Ryan, Charles
Sampson, John 1846England
Schringer, L.
Smith, George
Smith, Lamuelo
Smith, William 1854
Sulivan, Charles
Sullivan, Lawrence
Sullivan, S.
Summers , James
Taylor, C.
Taylor, William
Taylor, William
Theobert, W.
Theobert, William
Thompson, Robert
Tugle, Joseph
Udd, John
Warren, James
West, William
Weyle, Charles
William, John
Williams, Sam
Williams, Samuel
Wilson, Thomas 1839Belfast
Winslow, Albert
Wyman, Henry
Wyman, Ralph
Young, James


Consul Document - Oct. 1, 1866 -- America (d. New York - a. Shanghai)MS-22 b235f10
Consul Document - Mar. 20, 1868 -- America (d. Callao - a. Antwerp)MS-22 b235f10
Letter - Jan. 4, 1868 -- America (d. Bristol - a. Shanghai)MS-22 b234f7
Letter - Mar. 18, 1865 -- America (d. Bath - a. London)MS-22 b234f10
Letter - Aug. 11, 1865 -- America ( )MS-22 b235f10
Men's Clothing bill - Apr. 22, 1867 -- America (d. Manila - a. New York)MS-22 b235f10
Payroll - Sept. 28, 1866 -- America ( - a. Shanghai)MS-22 b234f16
Payroll - Nov. 30, 1866 -- America (d. Shanghai - a. Manila)MS-22 b234f16
Payroll - Apr. 19, 1867 -- America ( - a. New York)MS-22 b234f16
Payroll - Apr. 27, 1865 -- America (d. London - a. Boston)MS-22 b234f20
Payroll - Apr. 23, 1867 -- America ( - a. New York)MS-22 b235f5
Payroll - May 10, 1867 -- America (d. New York )MS-22 b235f5
Payroll - June 19, 1865 -- America (d. Newcastle - a. Boston)MS-22 b235f10
Payroll - Aug. 16, 1865 -- America ( - a. St. John)MS-22 b235f10
Payroll - Sept. 21, 1865 -- America (d. St. John - a. Bristol)MS-22 b235f10
Payroll - Apr. 1, 1866 -- America ( - a. New York)MS-22 b235f10
Portage Bill - Apr. 13, 1867 -- America (d. Manila - a. New York)MS-22 b235f10
Portage Bill - Nov. 21, 1869 -- America (d. Antwerp - a. Hamburg)MS-22 b235f10
Portage Bill - Nov. 13, 1869 -- America (d. Callao - a. Hamburg)MS-22 b235f10
Protest - Feb. 20, 1865 -- America (d. St. John Jan. 4, 1865 - a. London Feb. 10, 1865)MS-22 b235f12
Protest - Sept. 22, 1865 -- America (d. Lepreaux, N.B. Aug. 18, 1865 - a. Bristol)MS-22 b235f13
Protest - Oct. 9, 1867 -- America (d. New York May 13, 1867 - a. Acapulco)MS-22 b235f14
Receipt - Feb. 11, 1864 -- America (d. Bath - a. London)MS-22 b234f18
Receipt - Mar. 17, 1866 -- America ( - a. New York)MS-22 b235f1
Receipt - Apr. 20, 1867 -- America ( - a. New York)MS-22 b235f5
Receipt - Nov. 30, 1864 -- America ( - a. St. John)MS-22 b235f10
Receipt - Jan. 8, 1870 -- America ( - a. Hamburg)MS-22 b235f10


VoyageVoyage TypeCaptain
America (d. Bristol - a. Shanghai)Merchant
America (d. Bath - a. London)MerchantWarren Morse
America ( - a. Shanghai)MerchantWarren Morse
America (d. Shanghai - a. Manila)MerchantWarren Morse
America ( - a. New York)MerchantWarren Morse
America (d. Bath - a. London)Merchant
America (d. London - a. Boston)Merchant
America ( - a. New York)MerchantMorse
America ( - a. New York)Merchant
America ( - a. New York)MerchantMorse
America (d. New York )Merchant
America ( - a. St. John)MerchantJames Stone
America (d. Newcastle - a. Boston)Merchant
America ( )MerchantW. Morse
America ( - a. St. John)MerchantW. Morse
America (d. St. John - a. Bristol)Merchant
America ( - a. New York)MerchantW. Morse
America (d. New York - a. Shanghai)MerchantW. Morse
America (d. Manila - a. New York)Merchant
America (d. New York )Merchant
America (d. Callao - a. Antwerp)Merchant
America (d. Antwerp - a. Hamburg)Merchant
America (d. Callao - a. Hamburg)Merchant
America ( - a. Hamburg)MerchantMorse
America (d. St. John Jan. 4, 1865 - a. London Feb. 10, 1865)MerchantWarren Morse
America (d. Lepreaux, N.B. Aug. 18, 1865 - a. Bristol)MerchantWarren Morse
America (d. New York May 13, 1867 - a. Acapulco)MerchantWarren Morse

The information given in this database is entered here as it is on the document or documents in the Maine Maritime Museum collections. The spelling of the mariner’s name may be wrong, the arithmetic may be wrong, and some descriptions may be thoughtless or not politically correct, but they are shown as found. We have attempted to standardize the names and descriptions of vessels and the spelling of place names. We have tried to include in notes fields important information that does not fit in the standard fields.