Maine Maritime Museum


Name Year of Birth Birthplace Residence Citizenship
Aspelen, G.
Asphal , Michael
Asselin, Pierre
Assin, John
Astedia, Pedro
Asterland, Johan
Asterson, A.
Astesisch, Emil 1841 Russia
Astiada, P.
Astley, Thomas
Astrand, A.
Astrich, Charles
Astrom, J.
Atcheson, James 1875 Nova Scotia, Canada British Canada
Atchinson, James 1873 Nova Scotia, Canada Nova Scotia, Canada British Canada
Atchison, James 1873
Atchison, James 1874 Nova Scotia, Canada Nova Scotia, Canada British Canada
Athais, Alfred
Atheson, Charles 1842 Montreal, Canada
Atheson, harles 1842
Athios, Alfred
Atkenson, Job.
Atkenson, W.
Atkins, John
Atkins, LeBarrow Jonesport, ME - USA Jonesport, ME - USA USA
Atkinson, Bert
Atkinson, Ed
Atkinson, Horace W. 1855 USA
Atkinson, L.
Atmuse, Peter
Atridge, Thomas
Attamira, Manuel B.
Attard, S.
Atterson, Charles
Attervell, Isaac 1855 England
Atteson, M.
Attewell, Isaac
Attewell, Isaac USA
Attoman, Frank
Atuile, Edward
Atward, J. R.
Atwell, Edward
Atwood, Charles
Aube, Frank
Auckley, Eysa
Aughs, C. H.
Auglesey, Thomas
Augstein, H.
Augur, Chas. F.
August, Frank
August, Frank
August, John
August, John
August, John 1849 Dunkirque
Augusta, Antone
Auguste, Escoffier
Augustesen, Niels 1868 Denmark
Augusti, Jore
Augustin, L.
Augustine, Joses
Augusto, A.
Augusto, Jose
Auguston , Peter
Augustus, John
Augustus, R.
Augustus, Robert 1826 Pennsylvania, PA - USA
Auoohogor, D.
Auquhart, Geo.
Auquhart, Leonard
Aurel, H. A.
Auskin, Lewis A.
Auskin, Luther W.
Austen, Charles
Austin, D. H.
Austin, George
Austin, John
Austin, Joseph
Austin, Kandall 1839 New York, USA
Austin, Sydney
Austin, T.
Austin, William 1872
Austuchen, R.
Average, John Costa
Averill, J. L.
Avery, Isaiah 1852 USA
Avery, John 1847 Baltimore, MD - USA
Avery, P.
Avery, William 1861 New Brunswick
Axandersen, A.
Axelsen, Albert
Axeman, E.
Axson, Joe
Ayer, Charles
Ayer, Eli
Ayer, Lewiston 1869 Calais, ME - USA Calais, ME - USA USA
Aylward, C.
Ayres, Wm.
Azer, C.
B??estyess, Z? E. 1839 Philadelphia, PA - USA
Baarson, Jakob

The information given in this database is entered here as it is on the document or documents in the Maine Maritime Museum collections. The spelling of the mariner’s name may be wrong, the arithmetic may be wrong, and some descriptions may be thoughtless or not politically correct, but they are shown as found. We have attempted to standardize the names and descriptions of vessels and the spelling of place names. We have tried to include in notes fields important information that does not fit in the standard fields.